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Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Once I Ate a Pie

Got a dog?  Then, this book is perfect for you and your child!  It is the cutest, if you are a dog person (and who isn't?).  There are different breeds of dogs depicted through short poems.  See if you and your child can pick out the dog that's most like yours!  Here are some activities:

LISTENING :  Have your child act out what each dog acts like depending on its description

RHYMING :  Draw or trace a large dog on a sheet of construction paper.  See how many rhyming words your child can come up with (real and nonsense).  Or, use your dog's name instead!

WORDS/SENTENCES :  Together, write a short sentence about your dog (or one you know).  Cut up each word and scramble it.  See if your child can put the words back together in order.  Try this with several other sentences about your little guy!

SYLLABLE S:  Clap the syllables in each dog's name.  Or BARK the syllables!

INITIAL/FINAL SOUNDS :  Read this book with your dog.  Have your child pet his/her each time they hear a word that begins or ends with your dog's name.  For example, I would look for words that start or end with M because my dog's name is Macon!

Dog?  Bear?  Monster?

LETTERS/SPELLING :  Practice writing your dog's name.  Write a short poem about your dog.  Don't get bogged down with spelling, rather encourage your child to write.  Spelling will come, but the motivation to write won't if we keep pestering them!

I also found these great activities from the Read Aloud Book Club !

Just to leave you with a sweet picture of my precious first-born...

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